Every movie should be as fun as The Simpsons Movie! I just got in from watching The Simpsons Movie, and I was floored at how good it was. I am a Simpsons fan. Not a fanatic, mind you, although one is derrived from the other. I am a fan, though, but I must say that this movie was better than any stand alone episode. I must have laughed from the beginning right to the end, with a reflective moment in the middle to comtemplate family.
The creators had a lot of fun with this movie. Not always clean fun, mind you, but fun all the same. It was refreshing to see that, although risque at times, the creators did not take the freedom allowed by a movie too far. Although there is a penis sighting...
This movie has all your favorite characters, although some of the better ones took a back seat because this movie was mostly about, of course, the Simpsons.
Lots of shots at the US government and the Republican party. Normally, I am not a fan of that, but these shots were done well and kept to the humorous theme of The Simpsons.
Date movie? I think so. Although feel out your date... (Feel OUT, I said.) If they are not a fan, they might not dig this movie as much as you do. Anyone who can appreciate comedy should be able to enjoy themselves, though.
Take the kids? Maybe, but not the younger ones. And, at that, the parent should check it out first, of at least know some facts. There is a penis sighting, like I said. There is also an incident of underaged drinking. And the bong hit, we mustn't forget that (adult character... fans should be able to guess the identity of the one who partakes). And one (I think) incident of vulgar language. This movie was, for all intents and purposes, a longer version of the TV show; if your kids watch that, and if you can get over those humps I just mentioned, then they should be fine.
Based on a hybrid, backwards version of the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale, I give this movie a 6 on a scale of 1 to 6, 1 being the worst, 6 being the best. Enjoy!
The creators had a lot of fun with this movie. Not always clean fun, mind you, but fun all the same. It was refreshing to see that, although risque at times, the creators did not take the freedom allowed by a movie too far. Although there is a penis sighting...
This movie has all your favorite characters, although some of the better ones took a back seat because this movie was mostly about, of course, the Simpsons.
Lots of shots at the US government and the Republican party. Normally, I am not a fan of that, but these shots were done well and kept to the humorous theme of The Simpsons.
Date movie? I think so. Although feel out your date... (Feel OUT, I said.) If they are not a fan, they might not dig this movie as much as you do. Anyone who can appreciate comedy should be able to enjoy themselves, though.
Take the kids? Maybe, but not the younger ones. And, at that, the parent should check it out first, of at least know some facts. There is a penis sighting, like I said. There is also an incident of underaged drinking. And the bong hit, we mustn't forget that (adult character... fans should be able to guess the identity of the one who partakes). And one (I think) incident of vulgar language. This movie was, for all intents and purposes, a longer version of the TV show; if your kids watch that, and if you can get over those humps I just mentioned, then they should be fine.
Based on a hybrid, backwards version of the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale, I give this movie a 6 on a scale of 1 to 6, 1 being the worst, 6 being the best. Enjoy!