"I ... am ... Beowulf!"
Most people grow up with cartoons. Up until recently, once a person reached adulthood, they would grow out of those cartoons, save for the rare few. Looney Toons always pleased, and Disney would strike the right chords most times, but there was still something missing. That missing element was a level of adult action and drama that could only be found in books and in movies.
In the recent past, cartoons fans who had grown up to become animators and writers began spearheading a movement to make more adult cartoons. Batman: The Animated Series, Superman, and the Justice League were some excellent examples of those cartoons that werte produced for American television. Japan released scores of more adult cartoons, dubbed anime by most. Cowboy Beebop, Samurai Champloo, and the Big O were some powerful titles that worked on a level that was even more adult than the American superhero cartoons. However, these cartoons had not reached the maturity of some very simple movies. They could be shown on Cartoon Network, and they were Rated PG or PG-13, at best. Adult cartoon fans needed more; they needed some Rated-R cartoons.
Those fans got their wish in the form of Beowulf.
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