Greeting, movie fans, and welcome to the year 2008. I hope that it is a better year than last year, not that last year was especially bad, but we can all use a little betterment in our lives these days.
Towards the beginning of any new year, we turn our thoughts to New Year's Resolutions. I never make too many of those, or take much stock in them, because I never seem to be able to keep them for very long. This year, however, I intend to change all that.
The best kind of resolutions are the ones in which someone promises themselves that they will do a certain thing. See the Grand Canyon, skydive, etc. That will be the kind of resolutions JFLY will be enacting this year. Many of the people who know me have been shocked that I, a self-proclaimed moviebuff, have not seen so many of the films that people consider classics, or even just favorites. I am guilty as charged, folks. There are plenty of great movies that I have not seen. Some, not so great, but enjoyable or famous, all the same. I give to you, the faithful of ReclaimHollywood.com, a list of my resolutions. The following is a list of movies that I wish to see this year, in alphabetical order. Movies in red I have not seen. Movies in black, I have seen this year. I will add to this list and scratch off from this list as the year goes on.
- All That Jazz
- Apocalyspe Now
- The Black Hole
- Casablanca
- Citizen Kane
- A Clockwork Orange
- The Godfather
- The Godfather II
- The Godfather III
- Gone With the Wind
- Johnny Dangerously
- L.A. Confidential
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Lawrence of Arabia
- The Seven Samurai
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- To Kill a Mockingbird
Now, on a different note, what will Hollywood be doing this new year? Well, I am sure certain members of the Hollywood elite will be making fools of themselves, as per usual.
I am sure that certain disgusting debutantes will be drinking and driving and flashing themselves throughout the year. They seem to have high opinions of themselves, but in reality, they are nothing but filthy trash who break the law and flaunt their influence. Let's just hope that their recklessness does not cost the lives of innocent people.
And I am sure that certain Hollywood hunks will not be able to see how good they have it. Those particular "dudes" will certainly turn to drugs again, and maybe they will decide to attempt suicide again. Let us hope that they do not succeed, more for the sake of their families and the emergency workers that will no doubt be called upon to respond to the mansion.
On a lighter note, the movie companies are planning some "new" films for this year and the next couple of years. Would you believe these "pieces of art" ... Hawaii 5-0, CHiPS, Kung-Fu, Land of the Lost, The Smurfs, Oh God!, Logan's Run, Scanners, Masters of the Universe, Fantastic Voyage, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Lost Boys 2: The Tribe, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2, Night at the Museum 2: Escape From the Smithsonian, Pink Panther 2, Transformers 2, Ace Ventura 3, Back to School, The Thomas Crown Affair 2, Creepshow, The Birds, Them!, The Incredible Shrinking Man, The Wolf Man, Friday the 13th, Hellraiser, Child's Play ... just to name a few ...
Hey, who says there aren't any original ideas anymore?
Listen up, movie fans ... this is what we are talking about here at ReclaimHollywood.com. Hollywood is churning out more crap these days than ever before. And something has to be done: DO NOT GO TO SEE ANY OF THESE MOVIES! The more we support them, the more they are going to do this to us. It is unfair for them to ask $10 a head plus $10 for snacks PER PERSON, and provide a subpar product.
This is JFLY. Peace out.
1 comment:
I am tired of going to the movies with my family (5 of us) and spending close to $80 when we go to the movies just to see some of the crap that is coming out of Hollywood. We are being more selective now and I wish Hollywood would start getting creative again. Send the message clearly to Hollywood by not going to see some of the junk that is coming out.
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