Every year, people all over the world make New Year's Resolutions. Most are about diet and exercise, or being nice to their fellow man. Mine, however, are about movies. Last year, I gave you a list of fifteen movies that I have never seen. Of the fifteen, I watched three of them, lowering my list down to twelve. The Black Hole, Casablanca, and Johnny Dangerously were the three, and I enjoyed each. Casablanca was a real treat; a true classic!
Many of the people who know me have been shocked that I, a self-proclaimed moviebuff, have not seen so many of the films that people consider classics, or even just favorites. I am guilty as charged, folks. There are plenty of great movies that I have not seen. Some, not so great, but enjoyable or famous, all the same. I give to you, the faithful of ReclaimHollywood.com, a list of my resolutions. The following is a list of movies that I wish to see this year, in alphabetical order. Movies in red I have not seen. Movies in black, I have seen this year. I will add to this list and scratch off from this list as the year goes on.
- All That Jazz
- Apocalyspe Now
- Citizen Kane
- A Clockwork Orange
- The Godfather
- The Godfather II
- The Godfather III
- Gone With the Wind
- L.A. Confidential
- Apocalyspe Now
- Citizen Kane
- A Clockwork Orange
- The Godfather
- The Godfather II
- The Godfather III
- Gone With the Wind
- L.A. Confidential
- Lawrence of Arabia
- The Seven Samurai
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- The Seven Samurai
- A Streetcar Named Desire
- To Kill a Mockingbird
If any of you can think of other movies that you know I have not seen, or movies that are hidden gems, post and let me know.
My other New Year's Resolution was to post this New Year's Resolution article sooner than the last year's. Last year's article was posted on January 19th. Looking good already!
Happy New Year, movie fans!
Well, good for you for setting specific goals. You have a very good list there, some of which I have seen and others I have no interest in. While I've neer seen it, A Clockwork Orange seems to be nothing more than a movie made by a nutjob and require massive amounts of drugs to be considered entertaining on any level.
Citizen Kane, The Godfather, The Seven Samurai, Lawrence of Arabia, and Gone With the Wind are all movies you should run out and see as soon as you can, and probably in that order.
As a bit of personal association with the movies my grandfather's sister put built the green dress from Gone With the Wind.
Good luck with the flicks
Your grandfather's sister, Pat, you mean? That is really cool. Did she design it? Or just sew it together?
I've got 3/4 of those on DVD if you want to borrow them.
"Clockwork Orange" is a movie you really have to see when you are wasted and 18 years old, like "The Wall"
All that Jazz is a boring musical.
Mike Gee
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